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About Us

Empowering and Liberating Children in South Sudan

Triple L(LLL) is a non-profit Orphan and vulnerable children organization based in Omaha. NE in the United States with its branch at Kapoeta County in Eastern Equatorial state of South Sudan where the Children reside. At LLL, we believed that every Child deserves the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life and there is nothing more life-changing than providing a child with a family and education. Most of the children we work with are orphan and street children and are vulnerable to conflict, HIV/Aids and poverty, with no one to care for them, many of them suffer from hunger and malnutrition and abuse, we care for them by developing and sustain a family style orphan center.


We provide basic services such as food, clothing, primary education, clean drinking water and basic health care services to the children.  We believe that education is the foundation of a hopeful, productive future yet today nearly 75 million children most of who are in the poor countries like South Sudan do not have access to learning or the opportunity to attend primary school. In South Sudan like in some parts of Africa, one-third of children enrolled in primary school ultimately drop out.  We work with our partners to provide these basic services to the children, families and targeted communities in Kapoeta.


South Sudan has the largest Orphan and vulnerable children population per capita than any country in the world. It is estimated that there are 4.1 million children who are orphans and vulnerable whose families are have been devastated by ware or extreme poverty. According to UNICEF Humanitarian Action survey report (HAC, March 2020) the unresolved ongoing conflict has prevented displaced people from returning home, increased their vulnerability and is severely hampering basic service provision for 7.5 million people, including 4.1 million children.  Over 1.5 million people are internally displaced and 2.2 million are taking refuge in neighboring countries.  Critical social services such as primary health care and education are facing significant interruptions due to insecurity.

Triple L Orphan and  Vulnerable  Children Organization

(402) 505-0875

C/O Hakim. S. Peter

Founder and C.E.O

P.O. Box 11143

Omaha, NE 68111

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©Triple. L. Orphan and Vulnerable Children Organization.

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