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Programs and Services

To support and improve the lives of orphan and vulnerable children in South Sudan

In South Sudan, poverty is deeply rooted in society with more than 90% of the population living on less than $1 per day.  Those most deeply affected are living off subsistence farming in the regions which continue to be affected by drought and war like the Toposa people and other communities in the Equatorial Region.


The inability to adapt to climatic variations, as well as the demands placed on natural resources, are the fundamental causes of poverty, which in turn have fueled the conflict from the beginning and have since intensified.  Children directly suffer the consequences linked to poverty, which deprives them from access to education, clean water and healthcare, etc.


Education Program

It’s been reported that about 80% of a child’s brain is developed by the time they turn 3 years. One’s brain has the capacity to grow and learn the most when they are young. Children from low-income families in South Sudan are missing formative years in education because of their poverty. Compared to their affluent peers, most vulnerable children are more than 2 or 3 years behind. In fact, all children living in rural communities in South Sudan don’t have access to education or own a single book. That’s why Triple L designed the literacy program to give vulnerable children and struggling families in access to learning. These programs will specifically help the

Toposa people in the Eastern Equatorial Region of South Sudan.

The Toposa people have proudly maintained their traditional cultural lifestyle in the process of preserving their culture; however, they have embraced a system where cultural pressures against children, especially girls’ education are nothing short of overwhelming.  Triple L focuses on the Toposa community in South Sudan where the vast majority of children do not have access to education and are begging on the streets on doing odd jobs to survive.


Triple L provides critical education supplies to improve the literacy, health, and economic wellbeing of these children through education.  It also provides scholarships for girls who would otherwise never go to school or would have to drop out of school for cultural or economic reasons.  We are committed to helping each of our students to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in South Sudan, whether through secondary school, vocational education or college.


We intend to build and improve schools in Kapoeta and across Eastern Equatorial saving children ages 5-24 years. In addition, we work to provide emergency funds and support to help these children and facilitate community engagement and participation, our goal is to educate a generation of Toposa children (boys/girls), so they can have economic independence.


Water and Sanitation Program

Triple L is involved in a variety of activities that touches on the lives of vulnerable children and disadvantaged families in Kapoeta and Eastern Equatorial as a whole.


We provide clean and safe drinking water as well as undertake community advocacy and hygiene education awareness programs across communities in Eastern Equatorial. Most of our work is concentrated in Kapoeta and other rural communities in the Eastern Equatorial state where the needs are greatest.


Like many in South Sudan, about 98% of the people in Eastern Equatorial do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Majority of the people live in isolated rural areas and spend several hours walking to collect water for their families daily.  Not only does walking to collect water in a distance keep children out of school or take up time that parents could be using to make money or support their children, but the water often carries discuses that can make people sick.  We strive to provide the needed clean and safe drinking water for these children and families in this part of the world.  With your support, we will be able to provide sustainable water solutions to the targeted communities and save lives.


Why Support Triple L

With your support, Triple L will deliver quality education to many orphans and vulnerable children in South Sudan.  At Triple L, we believed that all children should have access to basic quality education that is why we work to reach those who are missing out most on learning.  Our goal is to ensure that all children have access to the services they need (education, health care, and water) to develop their potential.  We want to ensure that no child learning is forced to stop because they are caught up in crisis such as in South Sudan.

Triple L Orphan and  Vulnerable  Children Organization

(402) 505-0875

C/O Hakim. S. Peter

Founder and C.E.O

P.O. Box 11143

Omaha, NE 68111

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